How to extract IPA from iOS device

  1. Download and install APP from Apple Store or other source.

  2. Connect with SSH.

ssh root@<iPhone-IP> # default password 'alpine'
  1. Go to Bundle container directory.

cd /var/containers/Bundle/Application/
  1. Get UUID folder from APP or listing all.

find | grep "<APP-NAME>"
ls *
  1. Go to UUID folder APP

cd <UUID-Folder>
  1. Create Payload dir

mkdir Payload
  1. Find .app folder name of UUID Folder and copy all content in Payload folder

cp -r <APP-NAME>.app/ Payload/
  1. Create IPA File from folder

zip -r /var/root/<NAME-TO-EXTRACT-IPA>.ipa Payload/
  1. Connect with SFTP

sftp root@<iPhone-IP> # default password 'alpine'
  1. Get IPA

get -r /var/root/<NAME-TO-EXTRACT-IPA>.ipa

Last updated